Marta Bordonhos




Obtained her MSc in Chemical Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico (Universidade de Lisboa) in December 2016. Between March and September of 2016 developed her Master's Thesis, titled "Modification and Characterisation of Zeolite Beta as a Possible Basic Catalyst for Biodiesel Production", in the Birchall Centre at Keele University (Staffordshire, United Kingdom), under the supervision of Prof Dr Carlos Henriques (CQE, IST, U. Lisboa) and Dr Vladimir Zholobenko (Birchall Centre, Keele University). Between December 2017 and November 2019 worked as a Grant Researcher at CERENA (IST, U. Lisboa) under the supervision of Prof Dr Moisés Pinto (CERENA, IST, U. Lisboa) on the Project "TIRERUBBERFOAM II - New applications for composites of polyurethane and recycled rubber", financed by Valorpneu - Sociedade de Gestão de Pneus, Lda. In January 2020 started her PhD in Chemical Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico (Universidade de Lisboa), with a PhD Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Ref. SFRH/BD/147239/2019). The PhD Thesis studies, titled "Separation of CO2 from mixtures with CH4 and N2, using new hybrid adsorbents in cyclic separation processes" are being developed under the supervision of Prof Dr Moisés Pinto and the co-supervision of Dr José R. B. Gomes (CICECO, U. Aveiro) in the Research Centres CERENA (IST, U. Lisboa) and CICECO (U. Aveiro). Her scientific interests include, CCS, adsorbent and composite adsorbent/polymer materials, gas adsorption, separation and purification, process modeling and molecular simulation.


Advanced Science | 2024

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Rosana V. Pinto

Iurii Dovgaliuk

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Debanjan Chakraborty

Nuria Garcia-Moncada

Alexandre Vimont

Charles J. Mcmonagle

Ieuan Cornu

Pierre Florian

Nicolas Heymans

Marco Daturi

Guy De Weireld

Moises Pinto

Farid Nouar

Guillaume Maurin

Georges Mouchaham

Christian Serre

Chemical Engineering Journal | 2023

Mirtha Lourenço

Micaela Castellino

Moisés Pinto

Sergio Bocchini

Advanced Theory and Simulations | 2023

Tiago L. P. Galvão

José R. B. Gomes

José D. Gouveia

Miguel Jorge

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Miguel Pereira da Silva

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Moisés Luzia Pinto

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