
All CERENA's laboratories are prepared to serve the scientific community, industry and society in general.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) – X-Pert PRO (PANanalytical)

List of Services:

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) – X-Pert PRO (PANanalytical)

List of Services:

Scan and analysis

This service includes not only the scan of the sample but also comprehensive morphological analysis, along with all images and movies suitable for publication or presentation.

List of Services:


This service includes the scan of the sample. After a discussion with the client, our specialized team is capable of offering the best solution based on sample size, density, and the resolution needed. You will receive the 2D image stack images of the reconstructed 3D dataset.

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GeoLab Services

Geolab offers a set of consultancy and services involving diverse materials (e.g. rocks, soils, sediments, mortars, concrete, water, vegetation, water, biomaterials). Tests are performed and reported whenever possible according to international or national standards.

For further information, on these or other services/materials please contact us

List of Services: