PhD degree in Environmental Engineering (4 years) FEUP (2007). Master in Environmental Engineering (2 years) FEUP (2000). Graduation degree in Mining Engineering (5 years) FEUP (1996). Supervision 18 Master and 1 Doctorate theses. PROJECTS: PRODUCTION OF HYBRID pultruded PROFILES - Pultrusion-hybrid. QREN funding. Duration 2 years. Concluded February 2014; Principal Investigator: Modeling Dispersion in the Atmosphere of Radioactive Elements and Metals Originated by a Central Thermal Coal. FCT funding. Duration 3 years. Concluded on November 2013; PULTReficaz - Optimization of the Pultrusion Process. QREN funding. Duration 2 years. Concluded October 2011; 31 communications in International Meetings, Conferences and Workshops (NATO Workshops and NATO Advanced Institute, IAEA conferences and Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology conferences). 46 publications: Articles in Peer Scientific International Journals (10), Book Chapters (8), Publications in proceedings of International Conferences.