Ana Filipa Duarte is currently a PhD candidate of Earth Resources at Instituto Superior Técnico specializing on Seismic Oceanography. Also holds a bachelor's degree in Geological and Mining Engineering and a master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico. During the master's, she had major interests in Geophysics and Geostatistics. In the last year of the degree, she enrolled in an internship at Heriot-Watt University, in the Lyell Research Centre, Edinburgh, where she developed the master's thesis in seismic reflection interpretation. That project had the purpose of interpreting the morphology and extent of an igneous intrusion from Early Cretaceous and its influence in the Falkland Plateau Basin. In 2020 she joined a project to analyse and bring knowledge about COVID-19 disease, in Instituto Superior Técnico, where she collaborated with the mapping of the infection risk for Portugal, and implemented a an early warning system for anomalous values of COVID-19 incidence in the Metropolitan area of Lisbon, allowing policy makers to better act on contingency plans. Between 2021 and 2023, she was researcher collaborator at +ATLANTIC (Collaborative Laboratory), where she established modelling and analysis of the ocean having Seismic Oceanography as a tool to increase the resolution of temperature and salinity models of the water column in the North Atlantic Ocean, integrating real data from multiple sources.
Scientific Reports | 2024
Mathematical Geosciences | 2024
Amílcar Soares
Maria João Pereira
André Peralta-Santos
Pedro Pinto Leite
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | 2022
Mário Cardoso
André Cavalheiro
Alexandre Borges
Nuno Jardim Nunes
Arlindo Oliveira