For the second consecutive year, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) was selected to participate in the 2019 EVOLVE Program, a student program from Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) mainly sponsored by SEG Foundation, Halliburton and IHRDC. Among almost 40 applications from universities around the world, 20 were selected to participate in this EVOLVE edition.
During 3 months, the selected teams were put to the test in a multi-disciplinary challenge that simulated the dynamics of a small hydrocarbon exploration and production company. The program aimed at the development of a sub-surface data integration project, using real seismic data, wireline logs, production data, among others, for the characterization, economic feasibility study and presentation of a prospect for hydrocarbon exploration.
Unlike most of the participants, the IST team participated in a joint venture collaborating with the University of Trieste (Italy) – GeoDudes Team – composed by six members, four students - João Jorge, Abdullah Nouh, Pedro Pereira and Fabusuyi Oluwatosin John - enrolled in M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering at IST; and two students - Nadia De Nardi and Federica Di Corato - in M.Sc. in Geosciences (Exploration Geophysics) at the University of Trieste. This team was supervised by Prof. Leonardo Azevedo (IST) and Prof. Michele Pipan (U. Trieste).
The final EVOLVE presentations took place at the 89th SEG Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas (USA), where this joint venture team was distinguished with 2 team awards, namely:
- Best Investment Opportunity (Gulf of Mexico);
- Best Integrated Team.