Inês Duarte


Administrative Assistant



My life has been full of challenges. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to enter the field of study that I like and that fascinates me, chemistry, at the Faculty of Sciences, but due to several adversities in life I has not yet been able to finish, I really want it to be soon.

I obtained the Certificate of Professional Competence (former CAP) giving the possibility to give training, and in the last year I completed the E-Trainer. I consider my professional career to be comprehensive, from dental assistant, commercial manager, management coordinator, human resources and finally staff coordinator in dentistry. I volunteered at the Portuguese Association of Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine (APCMS) providing administrative support and some studies related to sleep, I was even fortunate to be integrated into a publication in the field of sleep. I organized several events, Sleep Medicine Course for Dentists, II and III Sleep Course in Dentistry, Symposium and the conference cycle in the field of sleep. I see the mission at CERENA as an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and to help. Once again I set myself a new challenge.