José Maria Azevedo Rego Morais Pires



José Maria Pires is a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at CERENA and CQE, Department of Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, and is currently involved in the GrAPHy project, which was funded by Portugal's Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR). GrAPHy aims to investigate sustainable ways of producing ammonia. He earned his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering with a graduate specialization in Process Systems Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and developed his M.Sc. thesis, entitled “Feasibility of carbon capture in a mini-mill plant”, at Politecnico di Milano under the supervision of Prof. Laura A. Pellegrini and Prof. Henrique A. Matos. Before receiving his master’s degree, he spent six months working at Sines Refinery (Galp) following a feasibility study on the implementation of a pilot-scale moving bed biofilm reactor in the liquid effluent treatment circuit. His current research interests revolve around Process Systems Engineering (i.e., simulation, design, control, and optimization of chemical processes).