Mining the European Anthroposphere strives for a breakthrough in the field of waste and resource management and pursues the establishment of a universally acceptable and internationally applicable scheme for the classification and reporting of resource potentials. To this end, the COST Action works to form a pan-European network of high-quality researchers, engineers and scholars to coordinate nationally funded research activities.
Actuate the reporting of material resources/reserves in anthropogenic deposits as is already common for geogenic deposits today. Comparison of present methods to investigate and evaluate materials in selected anthropogenic deposits and waste flows. Coordination of information search and data collection, especially for data sets and statistics not available for research groups due to language barriers and a lack of national contacts. Comparison and harmonization of practices, standards and guidelines for a comprehensive and sustainable recovery of materials from wastes. Enhancement of the EU knowledge base on secondary materials. Input to policy makers and regulators on the resource potential in the anthroposphere. Dissemination of a knowledge base and results to the general public and to stakeholders.