The main goal of InTheMED is to implement innovative and sustainable management tools and remediation strategies in five typical case studies, located between the two shores of the MED.
The project will provide new modelling routines for determining the basic components of the water cycle, including economic, social and technical aspects (e.g. groundwater accumulation and storage), as
- Enhanced knowledge about pollution sources and processes in order to attenuate the impact of anthropogenic activities on water resources availability and quality;
- Energy efficiency enhanced technologies for wastewater and seawater treatment for unconventional renewable water resource production;
- Protection of water resources quality from food production activities, i.e. by pollution reduction and remediation, for the sustainable ecosystem functioning;
- Cost-effective and high-efficiency managed aquifer recharge and retention measures for floodplain re-naturalization;
- Resources production (desalination and treated wastewater) integrated into water management system, with assessed economic and environmental impacts.