The Photography Exhibition "Perspectives on the "Mineralogy Office" - the Alfredo Bensaúde Museum seen through the lens of the photographer is officially open!
Please come and visit us from May 18 to May 20 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM at the Alfredo Bensaúde Museum - Mining Building, 3rd Floor from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM.

On March 31st and April 1st 2023 took place the Photo Contest: Perspectives on the "Mineralogy Office" - the Alfredo Bensaúde Museum seen through the lens of the photographer, in the aim of the partners of "Roteiro de Minas e Pontos de interesse Mineiro e Geológico de Portugal". During these two days the participants had the opportunity to freely photograph the museum space while discovering its treasures.
The award ceremony will be held on May 23 at 17h30
May 18 #International Museum Day
May 19 and 20 Técnico Open Day 2023
CERENA is a co-organizer of these events with the Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering Department (DER)