The latest opinion article published on Público last week is a heads-up by CERENA geophysicist João Fonseca, following the M5.3 earthquake that hit off the coast of Sines and shook half of the country awake last 26th of August.
"Being prepared means to do everything that we can to mitigate the risk" of natural disasters, and Portugal is not prepared for an earthquake, writes the geophysicist. He further comments that the international efforts put into the publication of the Earthquake Hazard Map of Europe (figure below) have been largely ignored in Portugal. The lack of scientific authority in advising the State's operational entities for emergency procedures is one of the structural problems of the country.
More investigation into antiseismic rules compliance, raising the population awareness on seismic hazard and the definition of clearer jusirdiction within the State's public institutions are actions that would make Portugal more earthquake-resilient.
Full article available on Púbico (Portuguese only):