Opening of a Post Doc Research Fellowship in Chemical Engineering: applications open until July 29

We are happy to announce the opening of an international selection process for the recruitment of a post doctoral researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. The research will be part of the BioMembrOS project, and the fellowship will have a duration of 12 months. It is expected to begin in September 2024 and may eventually be renewed up to the maximum of 36 months, including the duration of the initial contract


Requirements for candidates are: 

a) to hold a PhD degree obtained in the 3 years previously to the submission of the fellowship application;

b) to have carried out the research work that led to the PhD degree in a different entity from the host institution of the fellowship;

c) not to exceed, with this fellowship contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of 3 years in this type of fellowship, continuously or with interruptions;

d) not to have previously held a post-doctoral fellowship from IST


Application deadline: 29th July 2024


Euraxess ink to the call: