International selection competition for one doctorate position for the exercise of activities of scientific research in the scientific area(s) of Earth and environmental sciences in the form of an employment contract under an unspecified fixed-term work contract under the “Código do Trabalho” (Labor Code).
The research position aims at the development and implementation of automatic methods for identification and classification of marine floating debris from satellite images under the scope of the project SMART (diStributed AI systeM for mArine plastic debris monitoring), funded by Agência Espacial Portuguesa, with the following research and development tasks:
1) creation of a database with spectral signatures for marine litter (3 months);
2) development of automatica classification methods of satellite images;
3) development and implementation of deep neural networks (physics-informed neural networks) to model the ocean at the small-scale.
For more information, please read the full notice of the call HERE and HERE
deadline for applications: 2022-12-27