A team of researchers from CERENA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto Politécnico de Setubal and Universidade do Porto have developed an innovative low-energy process to recycle concrete waste, a major step toward circularity in the concrete industry. The production of concrete currently generates over one-third of global construction waste and 8% of carbon emissions worldwide. The method developed at CERENA-FEUP can separate 70% purity cement and sand with less than 5wt.% adhered paste, using the materials’ fracture and magnetic properties. This method requires low-energy consumption and uses existing waste management equipment.
This breakthrough represents a solution to reduce waste and emissions in the construction sector. The publication of the patent (nr. 116130 in the Portuguese gazette of industrial property) for this process opens up exciting opportunities for development partners, investors, and industry stakeholders. CERENA is now seeking collaborations in the following areas:
- Joint Venture: Scale up and optimize the technology through a pilot project in partnership with interested clients or stakeholders.
- Licensing Agreement: Transfer the technology to third parties via licensing agreements, enabling broader adoption and implementation.
For details, check the website.
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