The award ceremony of the Photo Contest: Perspectives on the "Mineralogy Office" - the Alfredo Bensaúde Museum seen through the lens of the photographer took place on May 23rd, at the Alfredo Bensaúde Museu. On March 31st and April 1st the participants had the opportunity to freely photograph the museum space while discovering its treasures, an initiative in the aim of the partners of "Roteiro de Minas e Pontos de interesse Mineiro e Geológico de Portugal".
The Photo Contest counted with 22 participants that submitted 64 photos for evaluation by the jury (according to the regulations, each participant could submit up to 3 photos).
The winning photo belongs to Carla Fortes, who received a monetary prize of 1000€, sponsored by Orica Portugal.
Two honorable mentions were also attributed to Roberto Miele and Heleno Queiró.
The prize was awarded by the President of the Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering Department (DER), Professor Maria João Pereira, by the Vice President of Técnico for Business Connections and Operations - who is in charge of the Técnico Museums - Professor Pedro Amaral and by the Invited Professor of DER Professor Pedro Bernardo.

This photo contest was a joint initiative of the Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering Department , CERENA and Instituto Superior Técnico