Analysis of Physico-Chemical Properties

Rheometer / Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer, Anton Paar MCR 702e
Rheometer / Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer, Anton Paar MCR 702e

Rheometer and dynamic-mechanical analyzer to assess the rheological properties of polymeric materials.

Viscosimeter, Anton Paar Lovis 2000 ME
Viscosimeter, Anton Paar Lovis 2000 ME

Equipment used to determine the viscosity, namely intrinsic viscosity of a polymeric solution.

Densimeter, Anton Paar DMA 4501
Densimeter, Anton Paar DMA 4501

Equipment to measure the density of liquid and solid samples.

MFI - Melt Flow Index, UnitedTest MFI 405
MFI - Melt Flow Index, UnitedTest MFI 405

Equipment to determine the fluidity of a polymeric melt for a given temperature and load.

Flashpoint tester, Anton Paar PMA 300
Flashpoint tester, Anton Paar PMA 300

Equipment to determine the flashpoint value.

HP Adsorption - High-pressure gas adsorption lines for assessment of solid adsorbent materials
HP Adsorption - High-pressure gas adsorption lines for assessment of solid adsorbent materials

Gas adsorption lines to determine adsorption isotherms from low to high pressures (10 bar) by gravimetry and manometry 850 mg to 1 g solid samples).

Breakthrough adsorption line
Breakthrough adsorption line

Adsorption breakthrough systems with multicomponent gas composition in the presence of moisture, from several % to ppm with inline mass spectrometry analysis.

Respirometer, EXHO Instruments ER12/1.4
Respirometer, EXHO Instruments ER12/1.4

Device with the ability to determine the biodegradability of materials by the consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide (standard ISO 14855)
